CCJ is governed by a volunteer, independent Board of Directors. This board is responsible for setting policy, fiscal guidance, and ongoing governance for CCJ. The current board members are

Latifah FaisalPresidentCounty Supervisor, Story County
Cassie CheneyVice-PresidentCentral Iowa Associate Regional Director, Optimae LifeServices
Abigail StuckerSecretaryMA Mental Health Counseling Candidate, New York University
Shelby GibsonTreasurerAlternatives Program Coordinator, Story County
John AsmussenBoard MemberJail Administrator, Story County
Jennifer BarberBoard MemberCommunity Health Improvement Consultant, Iowa Healthcare Collaborative
David FountainBoard MemberAssistant County Attorney, Story County
Tyler LennonBoard MemberStudent Conduct Administrator, Iowa State University
David RussellBoard MemberPastor, First Baptist Church
Dr. Tim SwintonBoard MemberPhysician, Family Medicine, Primary Health Care

CCJ’s Board of Directors is actively responsible for ensuring the mission and purpose of CCJ are carried out effectively and efficiently. Director vacancies are filled by election at regular meetings of the Board of Directors. To learn more about serving on CCJ’s Board of Directors, please contact the Executive Director at